How to work on your business?

Picture this…
Shyam wakes up at 7:30 am
He checks his mobile for any emails

Then he does his routine stuff and get ready to go to the office

Upon reaching the office

-His staff is waiting for him
-Accountant is waiting for the payment to be approved
-HR is waiting for the candidate to be interviewed
-Operation Team wants his input to solve the customer issues

By the time he is done doing all this, time is already 2:45 pm.  More than half of the day is gone
Then whatever time is left, he does business development for his business
This thing happens again and again

So why this is happening?
-The no. 1 reason is because there is no prioritization.  Shyam has not made growing the business his priority.
-Second there are no systems to help him out

What can be done about it?
-First have a belief that the business can be run without you
-Start with the plan on how to take the company forward. Dedicate few hours of your time to develop your business. If it is not possible hire a team who can do for you
-Have reporting systems that tell you how the business is performing

At Soatech we help our clients to make their dreams a reality through scientific business planning and management review mechanism